Monday 30 June 2014

How Microsoft has impacted My life and how i plan to bring a change to the society being Microsoft Student Associate?

How Microsoft has impacted My life

Microsoft has given me the role model for my life that is Bill Gates, not because he has not completed his graduation but still is one of the most successful person in the world, but because I learned one lesson from him that is if you fail in your life for anything that does not mean your life is over. You can start again from any ware. 

How I plan to bring a change to the society being Microsoft Student Associate?

Today’s students are known as tomorrow’s power. The society will have a shape, the way they will be moulded. Being a Microsoft Student Associate I would like to bring a small part of change in two types of students in society for their skill development: a professional and a normal students.
1) What I have noticed in the field of computer engineering that the students can do better job effectively and creatively, but many of them lack the knowledge of recent advances in technologies like visual studio online, team foundation server, ASP .NET vNext etc., which can really help them work fast. Therefore I would like to arrange the workshops in colleges to update their courses because many colleges are still teaching traditional courses.
2) Another most fascinating thing for me is Microsoft office. It is widely used in every sector whether it is about to write an application letter or to keep a note on monthly income and expenditure or to give presentation in front of a batch of 200 students and many more. But the important thing what I noticed is although students from background other than engineering know about Microsoft office tools like word, excel, power point etc., they do not know how effectively and creatively these tools can be used which can not only make their life easier but also make an effective presentation. Therefore I would like to arrange workshops for undergraduate students to improve their skills. This type of workshops can also be arranged in different small scale industries to educate their employee.

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